Health and Wellness

602 services

Online Obesity Calculator by Delhi Health and Family Welfare Department

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Calculate obesity and Body Mass Index (BMI) online through online obesity calculator by Health and Family Welfare Department of Delhi. Calculate BMI and get obesity status by selecting gender, providing body weight in kilograms or pounds and height, in centimetre or in inches. Users can also get details of advisable minimum and maximum body weight in kilograms and pounds.

Online Fertility Calculator, Delhi

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Calculate the most fertile days for a woman through online fertility calculator provided by the Department of Health and Family Welfare of Delhi. Users can calculate most fertile days by providing first day of last period in date, month and year format and average number of days in menstrual cycle. Facility to reset the details is also available. The calculator is a rough indicator of the day of ovulation.