Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

44 services

Download various forms for registration of Vehicles

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Ministry of Road Transport & Highways provides online services to citizens to download all important vehicles and permit related services.

Paid National Register e-Services of Registered Vehicles

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Stakeholders such as Banks, Insurance companies, Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs), Manufacturers, Transporters can avail paid services of 26 crore+ registered vehicles in the National Register

Speed Limiting Device for Vehicles

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Ministry of Road Transport and Highways offers vehicle manufacturers the service of connecting with Speed Limiting Device (SLD) makers

Vehicle Location Tracking Device (VLTD) Makers

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Ministry of Road Transport and Highways offers vehicle manufacturers the service of connecting with Vehicle Location Tracking Device (VLTD) makers


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Pollution Under Control Certificates (PUCC) can be issued by Pollution Check Points (Pollution Under Control - PUC Centers) across the country using the application which captures smoke parameters through API provided by the vehicle manufacturer; if the vehicle emissions are found to be within the norms the PUCC is issued

CNG Related Permission and Requirements

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Citizens and stakeholders can benefit from accessing online the list of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) fitment centers, permit conditions, installation requirements etc

Download all Vehicles and Driving License Related Forms

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Citizens may download all forms related to Driving Licenses and vehicles

Vehicles Related Fees & User Charges

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A list of all fees & charges may be accessed here specific to trade certificates, transfer of ownership, issue of & renewal of registration certificate, change of residence etc

Types of Permit And Its Condition

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A list of Permit Fees and Permit Period is available here by State and vehicle type

Vahan Report

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Designated officials may log in to access Vahan reports

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