Know your Vehicle Detail
Vehicle details may be retrieved online by specifying the registration number and a verification code
Know your License Detail
Citizens may retrieve their driving license details by specifying the driving license number in the specific format as guided by instructions available online, the date of birth ana d a captcha
Public Services Vechicle Driver Badge Authorization Card (e-Authorisation Card)
e-Authorization may be done online for Drivers of Public Services vehicles by specifying details such as the vehicle registration number, last 5 digits of the chassis number, mobile numbers of owner and driver, date of birth of owner, driving license number & a captcha
The Integrated Solution for Booking of Registration Mark of Choice
Citizens may register online to be able to log in & opt for registration marks of their choice by paying the requisite fees and as per the auction procedure of the specific RTO
All India Tourist Permit Authorization
Stakeholders may make log in to conduct online tax payment transaction for vehicles at checkposts through net banking facility; officials may verify these payments online using their credentials
Vahan Online Service User Registration
Citizens may register online by specifying a valid mobile number, email Id, specifying a State & proceeding as per instructions received online
Vahan Online Service Slot Enquiry
Citizens may enquire about available slots for issuing fitness certificate & vehicle inspection
Vahan Online Service Dispose Application
Citizens may apply for disposal by specifying details such as vehicle Registration number, last 5 digits of Chassis and Engine numbers, & mobile number
Check road tax for petrol/diesel vehicles online
Vehicles Data from the centralized Vahan 4.0 and different State Registers of non Vahan offices situated at respective State Registers flow to the National Register. Selected information has been envisaged to be captured at the national level. The National Register will act as a central repository of all crucial data / information. This will also enable users to avail the service on "Anywhere Service" basis.
Download various forms for registration of Vehicles
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways provides online services to citizens to download all important vehicles and permit related services.