Member Login in Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation
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Member Enrolment in Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation
C-CARES Portal is envisioned to enable Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation and its regional offices, process and track the claims of the members w.r.t. Provident Fund, Pension and PF Advance and enable the employees to view their PF balances and the status of their claims. Additionally, it also has the details of the family members/nominees of the employee.
Coal Import Monitoring System - CIMS
Coal Import Monitoring System (CIMS) shall require importers to submit advance information in an online system for import of Steam Coal. On submission of online data/information, the system will generate an automatic unique Registration Number. No manual documents are to be submitted to any public authority for this purpose.
Indian Coal Mines Safety Report
The portal enables monitoring of actions required from coal companies based on recommendations from different inquiries, aiming to reduce incidents. This system enhances accountability and oversight, ensuring that necessary steps are taken to mitigate potential occurrences and improve safety measures within the coal industry.
Online Coal Block Information System
The Ministry of Coal has the overall responsibility of determining policies and strategies in respect of exploration and development of coal and lignite reserves, sanctioning of important projects of high value and for deciding all related issues.
Single Window Clearance System gateway for Operationalization of Coal Mines
This website aims to streamline all the approvals and clearances needed for coal mine operationalization through a single gateway for early operationalization of coal mines as well as augmentation of coal production in the Country.
Grievances / Queries to the Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation
Members may register their Grievances / Queries to the Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation