Apply for approvals on India's National Single Window System guide for investors
India's National Single Window System guide for investors to identify and to apply for approvals as per their business requirements.
Online apply for a trade mark allocation
The Indian Patent Office is administered by the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM). User can apply online through registration details.
Check wholesale price index of commodities
Get information about the Office of the Economic Adviser under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Users can find online Wholesale Price Index (WPI) of commodities for any year and group. Link is provided for online submission of weekly price data for WPI. Information on concept papers, research studies, working and discussion papers, six infra industries, index of industrial production (DIPP items), etc. is provided. Links are also given for experimental index for railway and banking service price.
Engineering Export Promotion Council of India (EEPC India)
Engineering Export Promotion Council India, a charitable organization, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, offers online information about the process to enroll for membership & the benefits of such enrolment.
Check application status for Geographical Indication Registry
Check online application status for the Geographical Indication (GI) Registry provided by the Controller General of Patents Design and Trade Marks. You can enter your application number to view the status of your application. The GI applications can also be searched online by selecting registered/pending/all applications option from the list of Geographical Indications.
Lodge your grievances with Department of Commerce
Users can submit their complaints or grievances online with the Department of Commerce under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. One needs to fill all mandatory entries such as name of the company, IEC number, address, etc.
Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council (CAPEXIL)
Chemicals & Allied Products Export Promotion Council (CAPEXIL), sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, offers online information about the process to enroll for membership & the benefits of such enrolment
Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council
Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) allows entities from the Gems & Jewellery sector to register online to avail the benefits of the membership of the council
Apply for Financial Assistance Scheme on APEDA interface for exporters
Users can apply online for Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) on Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) interface for exporters. Through this online system, registered users can login on APEDA’s interface. RCMC number is required for login to the interface. Registered member exporters can also avail other online facilities like updating company profile, submission of monthly returns (party returns), applying for Market Development Assistance Scheme, Transport Assistance Subsidy, Registration-Cum-Allocation Certificate for rice exporter, etc.
Register as a Seller or Service Provider on Government e-Marketplace - GeM
Sellers and service providers can register on the GeM platform. By completing the registration, businesses can list their products and services, participate in government tenders, and expand their market reach to government buyers.