Login for Adoption Agencies on Central Adoption Resource Authority - CARA
This login portal is designed for adoption agencies. Authorized personnel can access their accounts to manage adoption cases, update records, and communicate with prospective adoptive parents, ensuring a streamlined and efficient adoption process.
Login for Adoptive Parents on Central Adoption Resource Authority - CARA
This portal provides a secure login for prospective adoptive parents. By accessing their accounts, parents can manage their adoption applications, track the status of their applications, and receive important updates and information related to the adoption process.
Register Grievances with Central Adoption Resource Authority - CARA
This service allows individuals to lodge complaints related to child adoption services. By registering their grievances, users can ensure that their issues are formally recorded and addressed by the authorities, helping to improve the adoption process and resolve any concerns.
Login to Go Home And Re-Unite (G.H.A.R.) Dashboard
Go Home And Re-Unite (GHAR), National Commission for Protection of Child Rights The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has launched the GHAR (GO Home and Re-Unite) Portal. It facilitates the digital tracking and monitoring of children in the Juvenile Justice system who need to be repatriated to another country, state, or district.
POSHAN Abhiyaan E-Learning ICMR-NIN Modules
POSHAN Abhiyaan E-Learning ICMR-NIN enables registered users to log in and take online e-Learning modules on nutrition hosted by National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad.
View Dashboard of Poshan Adhiyaan
POSHAN Abhiyaan dashboard aims to achieve improvement in key nutrition parameters for both children and women.
NGO Darpan
This NGO Darpan portal enables VOs/NGOs to enrol centrally and thus facilitates creation of a repository of information about VOs/NGOs, Sector/State wise. The Portal facilitates VOs/NGOs to obtain a system generated Unique ID, as and when signed.
Apply Online for Social Schemes by NGO-DARPAN
The NGO-DARPAN is a platform that provides space for interface between VOs/NGOs and key Government Ministries / Departments / Government Bodies, to start with. Later it is proposed to cover all Central Ministries / Departments / Government Bodies.
State-wise NGO Directory
The NGO-DARPAN is a platform that provides check State-wise NGO Directory for interface between VOs/NGOs and key Government Ministries / Departments / Government Bodies, to start with. Later it is proposed to cover all Central Ministries / Departments / Government Bodies.
Bal Shakti Puraskar, Ministry of Women and Child Development
Bal Shakti Puraskar, Ministry of Women and Child Development, awarded to Indian citizens under the age of 18 for outstanding achievement in innovation, scholastic achievements, social service, arts and culture, bravery, or sports.