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13755 services

Online Registration for Missing Person, Police Department, Arunachal Pradesh

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To register details of missing persons, utilize the dedicated platform, facilitating the submission of crucial information and aiding authorities in search and recovery efforts efficiently.

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Grievances / Queries to the Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation

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Members may register their Grievances / Queries to the Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation

View Market Value of the Lands for Stamp Duty, Telangana

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Users can view the market value of specific land subdivisions in Telangana to determine the stamp duty for transactions.

Unique Disability ID - UDID Card Login for Persons with Disabilities - PwD

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The Swavlamban Card portal provides a secure access point for persons with disabilities to manage their Unique Disability ID (UDID) account. By entering their login credentials, users can view and update their personal information, check the status of their UDID application, and access various disability-related services and benefits. This login portal ensures personalized and confidential access to necessary resources and support.

Registration of Hotelier, Odisha

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Enroll as a hotelier with Odisha Tourism, where you can showcase your hotel's information, promotions, and special offers to a global audience, expanding your reach and visibility.

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi PM-Kisan Services

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The PM-KISAN scheme aims to supplement the financial needs of the Small and Marginal farmers (SMFs) in procuring various inputs to ensure proper crop health and appropriate yields, commensurate with the anticipated farm income at the end of the each crop cycle. This would also protect them from falling in the clutches of moneylenders for meeting such expenses and ensure their continuance in the farming activities. Under the Scheme, a direct payment of Rs. 6000 per year will be transferred in three equal installments of Rs. 2000 each every four months into the Aadhar ceded bank accounts of eligible landholding SMFs families.

Register a Consumer Complaint with National Consumer Helpline - NCH

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Consumers may register complaints against goods and services. Users can create an account on the National Consumer Helpline portal to lodge their grievances, ensuring that their issues are formally recorded and addressed by the concerned authorities.

Pumpset Dealer Registration, Odisha

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Get services for Pumpset Dealer Registration, Odisha

Apply for Fancy Vehicle Number Allocation

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This service allows users to bid for and allocate special or "fancy" vehicle registration numbers. By participating in auctions or selecting available numbers, vehicle owners can personalize their registration plates with unique combinations.

Estate Management Services, Gujarat

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This service offers estate unit renting, rent payments, tenant name transfers, hoarding and signboard rentals, installment payments, CSR declarations, and contract and rent agreement cancellations in Gujarat.

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