Final Fire NOC from Fire Safety Wing, Local Government in Punjab
Get information related to Final Fire NOC from Fire Safety Wing, Local Government in Punjab. Usesr can avail services as mentioned in below steps: a) Prospective investors/industrialists of the Punjab needs to Register with Business First portal. b) Fill Common Application Form (CAF) and generate a PIN (Project Identification No.). c) Apply for required Service by filing Application Form (with reference to PIN). d) Pay auto-calculated Fee using Debit Card/Credit Card/NEFT/Internet Banking. e) The department will process submitted Application Form and issues QR Code Based Verifiable Approval. f) Delivery Time: 30 Days
Provisional Fire NOC from Fire Safety Wing, Local Government in Punjab
Get information related to Provisional Fire NOC from Fire Safety Wing, Local Government in Punjab. Usesr can avail services as mentioned in below steps: a) Prospective investors/industrialists of the Punjab needs to Register with Business First portal. b) Fill Common Application Form (CAF) and generate a PIN (Project Identification No.). c) Apply for required Service by filing Application Form (with reference to PIN). d) Pay auto-calculated Fee using Debit Card/Credit Card/NEFT/Internet Banking. e) The department will process submitted Application Form and issues QR Code Based Verifiable Approval. f) Delivery Time: 30 Days
Building Plan Approval from Local Governement in Punjab
Get information related to Building Plan Approval from Local Governement in Punjab. Usesr can avail services as mentioned in below steps: a) Prospective investors/industrialists of the Punjab needs to Register with Business First portal. b) Fill Common Application Form (CAF) and generate a PIN (Project Identification No.). c) Apply for required Service by filing Application Form (with reference to PIN). d) Pay auto-calculated Fee using Debit Card/Credit Card/NEFT/Internet Banking. e) The department will process submitted Application Form and issues QR Code Based Verifiable Approval. f) Delivery Time: 60 Days
Building Plan Approval from Housing and Urban Development in Punjab
Get information related to Building Plan Approval from Housing and Urban Development in Punjab. Usesr can avail services as mentioned in below steps: a) Prospective investors/industrialists of the Punjab needs to Register with Business First portal. b) Fill Common Application Form (CAF) and generate a PIN (Project Identification No.). c) Apply for required Service by filing Application Form (with reference to PIN). d) Pay auto-calculated Fee using Debit Card/Credit Card/NEFT/Internet Banking. e) The department will process submitted Application Form and issues QR Code Based Verifiable Approval. f) Delivery Time: 30 Days
Regular Power Connection from Punjab State Power Corporation in Punjab
Get information related to Regular Power Connection from Punjab State Power Corporation in Punjab. Usesr can avail services as mentioned in below steps: a) Prospective investors/industrialists of the Punjab needs to Register with Business First portal. b) Fill Common Application Form (CAF) and generate a PIN (Project Identification No.). c) Apply for required Service by filing Application Form (with reference to PIN). d) Pay auto-calculated Fee using Debit Card/Credit Card/NEFT/Internet Banking. e) The department will process submitted Application Form and issues QR Code Based Verifiable Approval. f) Delivery Time: 90 Days
Temp. Power Connection from Punjab State Power Corporation in Punjab
Get information related to Temp. Power Connection from Punjab State Power Corporation in Punjab. Usesr can avail services as mentioned in below steps: a) Prospective investors/industrialists of the Punjab needs to Register with Business First portal. b) Fill Common Application Form (CAF) and generate a PIN (Project Identification No.). c) Apply for required Service by filing Application Form (with reference to PIN). d) Pay auto-calculated Fee using Debit Card/Credit Card/NEFT/Internet Banking. e) The department will process submitted Application Form and issues QR Code Based Verifiable Approval. f) Delivery Time: 90 Days
Change of Land Use (CLU) from Local Government in Punjab
Get information related to, Change of Land Use (CLU) from Housing and Urban Development in Punjab. Usesr can avail services as mentioned in below steps: a) Prospective investors/industrialists of the Punjab needs to Register with Business First portal. b) Fill Common Application Form (CAF) and generate a PIN (Project Identification No.). c) Apply for required Service by filing Application Form (with reference to PIN). d) Pay auto-calculated Fee using Debit Card/Credit Card/NEFT/Internet Banking. e) The department will process submitted Application Form and issues QR Code Based Verifiable Approval. f) Delivery Time: 23 Days
Change of Land Use (CLU) from Housing and Urban Development in Punjab
Change of Land Use (CLU) from Housing and Urban Development in Punjab Get information related to Change of Land Use (CLU) from Housing and Urban Development in Punjab. Usesr can avail services as mentioned in below steps: a) Prospective investors/industrialists of the Punjab needs to Register with Business First portal. b) Fill Common Application Form (CAF) and generate a PIN (Project Identification No.). c) Apply for required Service by filing Application Form (with reference to PIN). d) Pay auto-calculated Fee using Debit Card/Credit Card/NEFT/Internet Banking. e) The department will process submitted Application Form and issues QR Code Based Verifiable Approval. f) Delivery Time: 23 Days
Issuance of Provisional Certficate in compliance to Clinical Establishment Act, Jharkhand
Each Clinical Establishment needs Certificate in compliance to CE Act. This system allows online apply and issue of Provisional Certificate.
Gujarat-Scholarship for S.E.B.C and E.B.C students studying in std. 1 to 4
Gujarat - Scholarship for S.E.B.C and E.B.C students studying in std. 1 to 4. There is no any income limit.