Maharastra: Renewal of Approval for Economiser Manufacturer
Check how to apply for obtaining Renewal of Approval for Economizer Manufacturer . Designated Officer for delivery of Service is Inspecting officer of concern Regional Office. Maximum number of days to get service Delivered is 23 days wide Government Notification no. MISC2017/C.R.66/Lab-9 Dt . 20.06.2017 . Procedure involved for the service is Scrutiny of documents, Verification of competency of firm by site visit and issue of approval / renewal letter
Maharastra: Approval for Economiser Manufacturer
Check how to apply for obtaining Approval for Economizer Manufacturer . Designated Officer for delivery of Service is Inspecting officer of concern Regional Office. Maximum number of days to get service Delivered is 23 days wide Government Notification no. MISC2017/C.R.66/Lab-9 Dt . 20.06.2017 . Procedure involved for the service is Scrutiny of documents, Verification of competency of firm by site visit and issue of approval / renewal letter
Maharastra: Renewal of Approval for Erection of Boiler/Economiser
Check how to apply for obtaining Renewal of Approval for Erection of Boiler/Economizer . Designated Officer for delivery of Service is Inspecting officer of concern Regional Office. Maximum number of days to get service Delivered is 23 days wide Government Notification no. MISC2017/C.R.66/Lab-9 Dt . 20.06.2017 . Procedure involved for the service is Scrutiny of documents, Verification of competency of firm by site visit and issue of approval / renewal letter
Maharastra: Approval for Erection of Boiler/Economiser
Check how to apply for obtaining approval Approval for Erection of Boiler/Economizer . Designated Officer for delivery of Service is Inspecting officer of concern Regional Office. Maximum number of days to get service Delivered is 23 days wide Government Notification no. MISC2017/C.R.66/Lab-9 Dt . 20.06.2017
Apply for admission into Govt. Boys’/Girls’ Hostel, Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, Puducherry
Providing boarding and lodging facilities to the SC students in pursuance of their education and to dissuade dropping of education at school and college level hostels facilities are provided. a) Free lodging, b) Free boarding, c) Cash payment in lieu of 2 pairs of clothing, d) Conveyance charges for 6 times (3 down and 3 up) in a year
Tax and Excise, Arunachal Pradesh
Tax, VAT, GST, CST, C-Form etc can be uploaded and downloaded
Procedure For Change / Correction of CE, West Bengal
Information on changes or corrections to their Certificates of Enlistment (CE) in West Bengal. This service ensures accurate and updated records for enlisted entities.
Requirements for obtaining Certificate of Enlistment Online in Kolkata, West Bengal
Users can get the requirements for obtaining Certificate of Enlistment Online in Kolkata
Certificate of Enlistment (CE), West Bengal
Residents can obtain their Certificate of Enlistment (CE) online in Kolkata through the municipal portal. This service simplifies the application and issuance process for the certificate.
CSE Candidates' Information Central
Find the CSE Candidates' Information Central provided by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. Information about Results, Medical Examination Schedule and get information related to CSE Candidates' Information Central.