Gujarat, Collectorate - District Devbhumi Dwarka : Obtaining permission for getting the waste government for registered institution / co-operative society / trust
Check process for getting the government land lying in the registered institution / co-operative society / trust from District Collector/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Avail online services of Andaman and Nicobar Islands Administration
Online Portal of e-Services is a gateway for the e-Government services offered by Andaman & Nicobar Administration. Access various Governments to government departments (G2G), Governments to employees (G2E), Governments to citizens (G2C) and Governments to Business entities (G2B) services is given. Users can apply for various services such as passport, ship ticket availability, islander identity card, driving licence, ration card, tenders, birth certificate, etc. through e-Services Portal. Details about different services can be retrieved through department name also.
Register with State Portal of Sikkim to avail online services
Register on the State Portal of Sikkim online. Users need to provide information such as name, address, email id, contact number, residential address, etc. to get themselves registered on the portal. Registered users can avail various state services such as birth certificate, death certificate, income certificate, SC/ST certificate, land/property registration, etc.
Schemes of Education Department, Chandigarh
Search for downloadable forms by various departments of Chandigarh Administration. Users can get various downloadable forms by selecting the name of department or by keywords. Information about procedure of filling the forms is also available.
Apply for obtaining consent for establishing factory in Tamil Nadu
Apply online for obtaining consent to establish a factory provided by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board. One needs to fill up an online form with details of application, applicant's name, address, name of the industry, factory address, revenue district of the factory etc.
Maharashtra: To issue permission for shooting (Films/Ads/Serials)
Apply for To issue permission for shooting (Films/Ads/Serials) in Maharashtra provided by the Maharashtra Maritime Board Department. Information about guidelines to fill the form is given.The Department will Provide Service Within 15 Days.
Lodge complaint with Human Rights Commission of Madhya Pradesh
Lodge your complaint with the Human Rights Commission of Madhya Pradesh. One needs to select the category of complaint, language, date, district and write complaints description and name etc. to submit this form online.
Maharashtra: Industrial Water permission
Apply for Industrial Water permission in Maharashtra provided by the Water Resource Department. Information about guidelines to fill the form is given.The Department will Provide Service Within 180 Days.
eAbkari, Online Workflow based end-to-end Solution for Comprehensive Transformation of State Excise ecosystems in Punjab
"The main focus of the project is to track and monitor the illicit liquor at each production and transaction stage of excisable commodities like Indian Made Foreign Liquor, Country Liquor, Bulk Spirit etc. which in turn helps the government and their stakeholders. Through eAbkari, Seamless online communication among all excise officials across the state, all licensees, administrative departments & other stakeholders through workflow based systems hosted on state portal is possible. monitoring the entire supply chain"
Telangana: Department of Road Transport Authority- Duplicate of RC
"If a consumer loses his/her original Registration Certificate, using this service, he/ she can apply for duplicate registration certificate by mentioning the FIR details along with the reasons for applying for duplicate Registration Certificate."