Change of Address in RC
Applicant may apply for changing of Address in the Registration Certificate on submission of Address proof within the jurisdiction of the concerned Registering Authority
eDistrict-G2C Services
Various G2C services such as Certificates - Birth, Caste, Income, Marriage, Character etc can be availed online
Apply For Pension For Victims Of Militancy Scheme, Jammu and Kashmir
Relatives of victims killed during militancy may apply for pension by specifying their relationship with deceased, Bank details, and uploading documents such as FIR, Deceased Death Certificate, Income certificate, Non-Involvement Certificate etc
New Lift Attendant Authorization,, West Bengal
New Lift Attendant’s Authorization is the service provided to the citizen by the government for availing the certificate to work as an authorized lift attendant. User registration is required for accessing the service.
Water & Sewerage Charges for Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Amdavad Municipal Corporation provides an online service to the citizens to apply for Birth, Death, & Marriage, Water & Sewerage connections, Hall booking etc.
Hall Booking for Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Amdavad Municipal Corporation provides an online service to the citizens to apply for Birth, Death, & Marriage, Water & Sewerage connections, Hall booking etc.
Gujarat-Financial Assistance for Kunvarbainu Mameru to Scheduled Caste girls
Income limit – Rs 68,000 for urban areas and Rs 47,000 for rural areas.Should have attained age fixed for marriage.
Fire Safety for Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Amdavad Municipal Corporation provides an online service to the citizens to apply for Birth, Death, & Marriage, Water & Sewerage connections, Hall booking, Fire Safety etc.
Registartion cum Prospectus Fee of PSS Open University, Madhya Pradesh
Registration cum Prospectus fee, Pay the fee for registration and prospectus for various university services such as admission, enrollment, and examination. This service, provided by the Government of Madhya Pradesh.
Apply Online for use of Loud Speakers
The applicant wants to use a Loudspeaker for Procession, Marriage Procession, and Announcement through a Moving Vehicle and Addressing the Gathering at a Fixed Venue needs to get permission from Andaman & Nicobar Administration.