Register with Environmental Information System Centre of Nagaland
Register with the Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Centre of Nagaland. Users have to provide name, organization name, address, contact number, email id, etc. to complete the online registration process. Registered visitors can see and access a wide variety of articles, reports, journals and magazines as well. An online account is created after the registration with the help of which users can access various files and reports.
Check list of telemarketers registered with Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Check a list of telemarketers registered with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) through the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Portal. Users can check details of registered telemarketers by selecting name of the state and district. Information about registration number, name of telemarketer, office address, contact numbers, e-mail id, date of registration, validity, etc. can be retrieved.
Avail e-filing services of Commercial Tax Department of Goa
You can avail e-filing services of the Commercial Tax Department of Goa State Government. Registered users need to login with their TIN number and password. You can avail various services such as e-filing the VAT return, pay commercial tax, pay entry tax, apply for renewal of VAT registration etc. Link is also provided for new dealer registration. E-service Help, user manual, frequently asked questions etc. are provided to help dealers. Contact numbers of officials are also available.
Telangana: Department of Road Transport Authority - Authorization for National Permit: Renewal
Consumers can use this service to renew their national permit certificate if it gets expired or is about to get expired in a month's time. They need to provide the details of the original national permit certificate while renewal.
State Employment Mission by Directorate of Employment of Odisha
State Employment Mission by Directorate of Employment of Odisha is a placement linked training program for youth. Job seekers can register for training and jobs and check their registration status. Training provider can also register and check their registration status online. Information about courses offered for training and list of training providers is also available.
Apply for Scholarship to Orphans of Killed Militants Scheme, Jammu and Kashmir
Guardians of orphans of killed militants may apply for scholarship by specifying their relationship with child, category of scholarship, particulars of child for whom assistance is sought, details of militancy incident, and uploading documents such as FIR, Deceased Death Certificate, Income certificate, Child photo, Child Date of Birth proof etc
Apply for Financial Assistance Scheme on APEDA interface for exporters
Users can apply online for Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) on Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) interface for exporters. Through this online system, registered users can login on APEDA’s interface. RCMC number is required for login to the interface. Registered member exporters can also avail other online facilities like updating company profile, submission of monthly returns (party returns), applying for Market Development Assistance Scheme, Transport Assistance Subsidy, Registration-Cum-Allocation Certificate for rice exporter, etc.
Parivar Pehchan Patra Yojna, Haryana
The primary objective of Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) is to create authentic, verified and reliable data of all families in Haryana. PPP identifies each and every family in Haryana and keeps the basic data of the family, provided with the consent of the family, in a digital format. Each family will be provided an eight-digit Family-Id. The Family ID will be linked to the Birth, Death and Marriage records to ensure automatic updating of the family data as and when such life events happen.
Kuvar bai nu Mameru Yojana
E Samaj Kalyan portal Provide Kuvarbai nu Mameru Yojana In Gujarat benefits the marriage of daughters of socially and economically weaker families. E samaj kalyan portal has been created to take advantage of Kuwarbai nu Mameru scheme. Dulhan gets Rs. 10000 directly in the bank account through DBT.Parents of Schedule Tribe bride with annual income up to Rs. 27,000 in rural areas and Rs. 36,000 in urban areas are eligible for this scheme.
Telangana : Department of Road Transport Authority Green Tax Payment
"This service helps in the payment of Green Tax. (Owners of transport vehicles that have completed 7 years of age from the date of their registration and of non-transport Vehicles that have completed 15 years of age from the date of their registration need to pay Green Tax.)"