Maharashtra: Registration of MANGONET Plot(s)
Check how to apply for Registration of MANGONET Plot(s) by the agriculture department,Govt. of Maharashtra.The department will provide service within 7 days.
Maharashtra: Registration of GRAPENET Plot(s)
Check how to apply for Registration of GRAPENET plot(s) by the agriculture department,Govt. of MaharashtraThe department will provide service within 7 days.
Maharashtra: IT/ITES Unit Registration
Check how to apply for IT/ITES Unit registration provided by the industries department,Govt. of Maharashtra.The department will provide service within 10 days.
Maharashtra: Registration of Bed and Breakfast Services
Check how to apply for Registration of Bed and Breakfast Services provided by the tourism and cultural department,Govt. of Maharashtra.The department will provide service within 45 days.
Registration of Professional Tax for Organization in Punjab
Registration of Professional Tax for Organization in Punjab. Invest Punjab portal is single windows online system for investors who are looking to set up a business in Punjab.
Registration of Co-operative Societies in Punjab
Registration of Co-operative Societies in Punjab. Invest Punjab portal is single windows online system for investors who are looking to set up a business in Punjab.
Registration under Plastic Waste in Punjab
Registration under Plastic Waste in Punjab. Invest Punjab portal is single windows online system for investors who are looking to set up a business in Punjab.
Apply for Registration Form V1, Puducherry
This service is to apply for Registration Form V1 from Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (STATE). This is a G2C service. Applicants need not register to apply for this service. Families and Individuals can apply for this service.
Apply for Registration of Pet Dog, Jammu and Kashmir
This service is to apply for Registration of Pet Dog from Urban Development Department (STATE). This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Registration of Brand/Label in Punjab
Registration of Brand/Label in Punjab on Invest Punjab portal - Invest Punjab portal is single windows online system for investors who are looking to set up a business in Punjab.