Permission for registration after 1 year of birth
Permission for registration after 1 year of birth.This Services of Planning, economic and statistics Department can be avail through various channels enabled by MP Govt. e.g. e-KYC, LSK, CSC, MPO Kiosks. For more details regarding Kiosk location, required document(s), timeline applicable fee etc kindly visit MP e-District Website.
Registration for Online Booking of SAI Stadia
Sports Authority of India (SAI) is entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining and utilizing, on the behalf of Ministry of Youth Affairs Sports, five stadiums in Delhi. The online booking facility by SAI enables registered members to book these stadiums online. Online registration can be done using details such as name, mobile number, and email Id etc.
Registration for eMigrants Employer Individual
Individual employers can register under the eMigrate system to employ Indian workers abroad. Managed by the Ministry of External Affairs, this service ensures compliance with regulations governing overseas employment.
Registration and Licensing of Fishing Craft
'ReALCraft' is a work flow based online application system for Vessel Registration under MS Act and License Certificate under MFR Act to the fishing vessels operating along the Indian coast. It is a national project sanctioned by the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India for implementing in all coastal States and UTs.
Apply for Registration of Cooperative Societies, Goa
Register cooperative societies by submitting an application and the society's bye-laws, detailing its objectives and member information, to the Registrar of Cooperative Societies in Goa.
Citizen to do re-submission of factory registration
This service enables a citizen to do re-submission of factory registration. This service under Government of MP can be avail through MPOnline portal and MPOnline kiosks as well. To avail this service please visit your nearest MPOnline kiosk or MPOnline portal. To trace out your nearest kiosk please visit You can also call MPOnline customer care number for any enquiry related to service. Customer Care (8:30 AM - 10:00 PM ) : 0755-4019400
Birth Registration in Faridabad, Haryana
Users can register their Birth Certificate in Faridabad, Haryana
Registration Of Partnership Firms in Maharashtra
Apply for Registration Of Partnership Firms in Maharashtra provided by the Department of Law and Judiciary of the state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
Athlete Registration in Andhra Pradesh
Athlete Registration
Grievance Registration in Andhra Pradesh
Grievance Registration