Daily Cause List of SDM and AEO Courts, Chandigarh
User can avail online service for viewing and obtaining daily cause List of SDM and AEO Courts at Chandigarh
Apply for Meritorious Scholarship to SC ST Student From 9th to 12th Class, Chandigarh
This service is to apply for Meritorious Scholarship to SC ST Student From 9th to 12th Class from Directorate of School Education (STATE). This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Check Tax Identification Number in Chandigarh
Get details about Tax Identification Number (TIN) online by Chandigarh Administration. Users can get Tax Identification Number (TIN) details by entering their sale tax number.
Schemes of Education Department, Chandigarh
Search for downloadable forms by various departments of Chandigarh Administration. Users can get various downloadable forms by selecting the name of department or by keywords. Information about procedure of filling the forms is also available.
Avail services for allotment of Government houses in Chandigarh
Avail services for allotment of Government houses in Chandigarh with the help of House Allotment Committee of the state. Information about instructions to apply online and offline for government house allotment, house allotment process, allotment rules, etc. is given. Users can access seniority list, house allotment list and vacated houses list. Facilities to register online for government house, complete application and allotment application status are given. Downloadable forms to apply for government house allotment are also available.
Online feedback and suggestions for Chandigarh
Information on how to write the Feedback and Suggestions in the government portal of Chandigarh is given. Users can fill the form with name, email, designation etc.
Procedure to File an Application Under RTI, Chandigarh
Information on how to file the Right to Information (RTI) application in the government departments of Chandigarh is given. Users can access statutory information under the RTI by selecting name of the department, board, corporation or other institutions. Details related to Public Information Officers (PIOs), Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs), Appellate Authority and duties of PIO are also available.
Search polling area wise electoral rolls in Chandigarh
Search for final electoral rolls in the state provided by Chief Electoral Officer of Chandigarh. Users can search for electoral rolls by selecting polling area. Details about booth number, supplementary of final roll, location, booth level officers, etc. are given. Access to complete list of polling booths is also available.
Lodge your grievances with Chandigarh Transport Department
Users from Chandigarh can lodge their complaint online to the Transport Department, Chandigarh(UT). One needs to select the Department from the drop down list and provide details such as name, address, contact number and complaint details to submit it online.
Court Cases Monitoring System - CCMS, Chandigarh
Court Cases Monitoring System (CCMS) facilitates departments / officers to manage and monitor court cases of any type pending in different courts. It provides latest information about any pending case of any point of time. CCMS helps the departments/officers to track the cases, prepare cause-list well in advance, and maintain complete history of the case including follow-up action taken part from other activates.