Sikkim: Sikkim Government Recognised Tour Operators, Sikkim
Complete list of registered tour operator or travel agent around the sikkim with web page and contact details. Tourists can contact directly or book hotel from given list.
Apply for Issue of Senior Citizen Certificate, Sikkim
This service is to apply for Issue of Senior Citizen Certificate from East District. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Online Apply for Employment Card, Sikkim
Get services for The Government of Sikkim and Department of Information Technology Initiative for the Ease of Applying to Government-Related Jobs for the Citizens of Sikkim.
Pay Electricity Bill at Gangtok, Sikkim
Users can pay their electricity bill in Gangtok using the online payment portal, ensuring a convenient and efficient payment process.
Post Matric Scholarship for OBC (Central) Student, Sikkim
Apply online scholarship for students having sikkim identiy and belonging to the community OBC (Central) with annual family income below or equal to 1 Lakh.
Apply for Issue of OBC Certificate, Sikkim
This service is to apply for Issue of OBC Certificate from East District. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Tourism Taxi Vehicle Service, Sikkim
Tourist can book luxury vehicle from state tourism development corporation by phone call or emails. Rates for vehicle and tour packages are available on this websites approved by competent authority.
Post Matric Scholarship for ST Student, Sikkim
Apply onlline scholarship for students having sikkim idenity and belonging to the community ST with annual family income below or equal to 2.5 Lakhs
List of Sikkim Government Recognised Registered Tour Operators
Users can view the list of Sikkim Government recognised registered tour operators
Apply for Issue of Unmarried Certificate, Sikkim
This service is to apply for Issue of Unmarried Certificate from East District. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.