Check land records of Odisha online
Check land records in various districts of Odisha online. Users have to select the name of the district, sub division, tehsil and name of the village. Khatiyan number or plot number or tenant name is also mandatory to view the land record online. Maps and related forms are also available.
Apply for Birth/Death Registration and Issuance of Certificates Rourkela Municipal Corporation, Odisha
Get service for Birth/Death Registration and Issuance of Certificates Rourkela Municipal Corporation, Odisha
Hospital Registration for Birth Certificate, Odisha
Hospital Registration can be made for issuing Birth Certificate in Odisha
Know your Application Status eKYC in KALIA portal, Odisha
Get service for eKYC in KALIA portal is mandatory to file a grievance. This will be OTP based verification. OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number seeded with AADHAAR (UID).
Obtain Birth Certificate at Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Users can obtain Birth Certificate in Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Pay your Electricity and Water Bills in Odisha
You can pay your electricity bill or water bill online, this service is provided by the Odisha Government through its online Odisha portal. Users need to select either water or electricity bill to continue with payment method.
Register to get online GPF statement in Odisha
Register online to get the online GPF statement in Odisha. State government employees can avail this facility by register themselves in the portal. Users have to fill an online application form with details such as GPF account number, date of birth, mobile number, email id and PAN card details.
Online registration form for job seekers in Odisha
Job seekers can register online with State Employment Mission by Directorate of Employment of Odisha for a placement linked training program. Job seekers can register with State Employment Mission by providing details such as personal details, address, choice of training, photograph, etc.
Pay Water Bill in Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Users can pay their water Bill in Bhubaneswar.
Application for various Scholarship Schemes through State Scholarship Portal, Odisha
Student's may apply for Scholarship Schemes by e-Governance Portal for automation, streamlining effective management of scholarship schemes implemented by the Government of Odisha across departments like ST SC Development, Higher Education, School Mass Education, Labour ESI, Skill Development Technical Education and Agriculture.