Lodge your complaint online to Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan
Lodge your complaint online to the Uttarakhand Jal Sanasthan. Users can lodge complaints by providing the complaint's subject, complaint type, name and address of complainant, name of office, contact number and email id and description.
Employee Verification Request by Uttarakhand Police under CCTNS Project
To avail the service, Citizen has to log in to the Portal. If the Citizen is new to the Portal, he has to register with the Portal which is a one-time activity.
Grievances Related to All Departments/ Board and Institutions, Uttarakhand
Uttarakhand Government offers the Samadhan SEWA (Service Empowerment Welfare Accountability) portal to enable citizens to lodge & track grievances; likewise government officials are enabled to log in & process citizen grievances
Register your vehicle online in Uttarakhand
Citizens in Uttarakhand can register their vehicle online, for the Registration of the vehicle one has to apply to the Registering Authority within seven days of purchase along with the required documents.
Application Form for Renewal of Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate in Uttarakhand
Downloadable form to apply for renewal of motor vehicle registration certificate (Form 25) in Uttarakhand is given. This form is provided by the State Transport Department. Users can download and fill the form according to their requirement.
Pay Water Bill online in Uttarakhand
Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan consumers can view and pay their water and sewerage bills online through the UJS consumer portal.
Uttarakhand State Portal
Uttarakhand State Portal is the Official Portal of the Government of Uttarakhand. This is a one stop source for all information and services of the government. The portal provides a single window 'Any Time, Any Where' access to the information and services of various departments at all levels of governance for the Citizens and departments. The portal also provides comprehensive, accurate and reliable information about Uttarakhand and its various components like Government, Tourism, e-Participation, Services, Resources etc. A variety of citizen services, schemes provided by the Government across sectors in the state are also accessible from this portal.
Complaint Registration by Uttarakhand Police under CCTNS Project
The basic advantage of this module is that, the citizen will not have to go to the Police Station and wait there for a long time to get his complain/allegation registered in Police records.
Apply for Online Pet Registration, Uttrakhand
This service is to apply for Online Pet Registration from Urban Development (STATE). This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Apply for Issue of Duplicate Certificate of Registration in Uttarakhand
Application form for issue of duplicate certificate of registration in Uttarakhand is given. Guidelines to fill the application form for duplicate certificate of registration of motor vehicle (Form 26) are given. Information about documents to be attached is given.