Factory Act - Application for Transfer of Licence of Factory (Form - 2), Bihar
Get service for Factory Act - Application for Transfer of Licence of Factory (Form - 2)
Factory Act - Application for Registration and Grant of License of Factory (Form - 2), Bihar
Get service for Factory Act - Application for Registration and Grant of License of Factory (Form - 2)
Factory Act 1948 - Application for Amendment of Licence of Factory, Bihar
Get service for Factory Act 1948 - Application for Amendment of Licence of Factory
Apply for Contract Labour Act - Establishments employing Contract Labour (Principal Employer), Bihar
This service is to apply for Contract Labour Act - Establishments employing Contract Labour (Principal Employer) from Labour Resource Department. This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Apply for Contract Labour Act - Contract Labour Registration, Bihar
This service is to apply for Contract Labour Act - Contract labour Registration from Labour Resource Department. This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Economically Weaker Sections at CO level, Bihar
Get service for Economically Weaker Sections at CO level
Know your application status, Lok Samvad, Bihar
Track the status of your suggestion submitted on Lok Samvad, Bihar
Share suggestions of public interest, Lok Samvad, Bihar
CM Bihar invites suggestions of public interest under the Lok Samvad programme
Search your Land Service (as per new Survey), Bihar
Department of Revenue & Land Reforms, Bihar offers users the convenience of using its "Apna Khaataa khojein (naye Survey ke anusar)" / "अपना खाता देखें (नए सर्वे के अनुसार)" / "Search your land (New Survey)" service to locate authorized inscriptions online for their land holdings
Search your Land Service, Bihar
Department of Revenue & Land Reforms, Bihar offers users the ease of using its "Apna Khaataa dekhein" / "अपना खाता देखे" / "Search your land" service to locate authorized inscriptions online for their land holdings