Registration of Society under HP Societies Registration Act, 1968, Himachal Pradesh
Users can download the form for Registration of Society under HP Societies Registration Act, 1968 in Himachal Pradesh
Excise & Taxation-eServices, Himachal Pradesh
Businesses can avail Excise & Taxation services such as registering as Dealers, making online payments, filing returns etc
Application form for Medical Charges Reimbursement for Government Employees, Himachal Pradesh
Users can download the application form for Medical Charges Reimbursement for Government Employees in Himachal Pradesh.
Complaint of Crime against Women in Himachal Pradesh
Lodge your complaint online with the HP State Women Commission. You need to fill up this complaint form with details of complainant or victim such as name, address, contact numbers and respondent details etc. You need to write your complaint in the given space to submit it online.
Apply for Water and Sewerage Connections, Himachal Pradesh
This service is to apply for Citizens water and sewerage connections online; the Irrigation & Public Health (IPH) department of Himachal Pradesh lists the documents required, applcation form etc online
Online Book Bus Ticket by Tourism Development Corporation, Himachal Pradesh
Book bus tickets through online bus reservation system by Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (HPTDC) for various destinations in Himachal Pradesh and local sight seeing tours in HP. Users can check the availability of seats and register for online reservation of HPTDC buses. Information about more transport facilities and guidelines for using online application is also available.
Domicile Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
An Application for Issuance of Domicile Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
Revenue Court Cases Management,Himachal Pradesh
An Application for Registering Revenue Court Cases, Status Monitoring, Recording Case History, Uploading Cause List, Uploading /Downloading Judgement etc,Himachal Pradesh
Driving License Extract, Himachal Pradesh
Get DL extract
Mother Teresa Ashaya Matri Sambhal Yojana,Himachal Pradesh
An Application to Apply for Availing Benefits under Mother Teresa Matri Sambhal Yojna,Himachal Pradesh