Registration of Boiler/ Boiler component manufacturer, Directorate of Factories and Boilers, Kerala
Registration of Boiler/ Boiler component manufacturer, Directorate of Factories and Boilers, Kerala
Request for Autorenewal of license, Directorate of Factories and Boilers, Kerala
Request for Autorenewal of license, Directorate of Factories and Boilers, Kerala
Apply for Fresh Permit to EIBs Vehicle, Kerala
This service is to apply for Fresh Permit to EIBs, Kerala
Renewal license for sale of liquor to air passengers in the airports of Kerala - FL 7, Kerala
Renewal license for sale of liquor to air passengers transiting domestic as well as international terminals in the airports of Kerala-FL 7, Kerala
Apply for Fresh License Possession of Spirit for which duty has not been paid (CBB Rules) Form - 4, Kerala
This service is to apply for Fresh License Possession of Spirit for which duty has not been paid (CBB Rules) Form - 4 from Excise Department of Kerala. This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Apply for Renewal of SPVI License for the whole sale of Spirituous Preparations, Kerala
This service is to apply for Renewal of SPVI license for the whole sale of Spirituous Preparations from Excise Department of Kerala. This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Request for Steam Line registration, Directorate of Factories and Boilers, Kerala
Request for Steam Line registration, Directorate of Factories and Boilers, Kerala
Issue of Safety Certificate and Sanction for Energisation if installation is generally in order, Kerala
The electrical contractor shall carryout the work in accordance with the approved scheme and submit Completion report of works to the Chief Electrical Inspector / Electrical Inspector. Inspection of work is conducted and Sanction for Energisation is issued.
Apply for Transit Permit issued by the DC - Consignment Passing with in the Division, Kerala
This service is to apply for Transit Permit issued by the DC - Consignment Passing with in the Division from Excise Department of Kerala. This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Apply for Licence Upgradation, Kerala
This service is to apply for Licence Upgradation, Kerala