Dog License for Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
The Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation provides an online service for the registration and licensing of dogs. This ensures that all pets are accounted for and meet the local regulations concerning vaccination and public safety.
Check Cause Lists of Allahabad High Court, Uttar Pradesh
Check online cause lists of Allahabad High Court. Users can get daily cause list, fresh list, additional cause list, advanced list, fresh supplementary list and fresh backlog list by date.
Birth and Death Registration in Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
Users can register their Birth and Death Certificate in Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
Birth Registration in Bijnor
Users can register their Birth Certificate in Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh
Register for updates of Commercial Tax Deparment of Uttar Pradesh
Users can register for updates of Commercial Tax Department of Uttar Pradesh. You can fill up your details such as name, address, profession, mobile number and email id for getting the departmental updates.
Property Tax for Agra Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
Residents of Agra can manage their property tax payments online, providing a convenient and efficient way to fulfill their tax obligations.
Find your property assesment details online in kanpur
Users can view their property assesment details online in kanpur
Apply for O Level Applicant Entry Under Backward Class Welfare Officer, Uttar Pradesh
This service is to apply for O Level Applicant Entry Under Backward Class Welfare Officer from Department of Backward Class Welfare (STATE). This is a G2C service. Applicants need not register to apply for this service. All can apply for this service.
View Property Tax Detail in Nagar Nigam Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Residents of Gorakhpur can view their property tax detail online through the nagar nigam website. This service ensures efficient and timely payment processing for property owners.
Pay Electricity Bill at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Users can pay their electricity bill in Kanpur online through the specified service, ensuring a seamless and efficient payment process.