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Apply for New Electricity LT/HT Connection, Bihar
The North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. (NBPDCL) provides an online application facility for new Low Tension (LT) and High Tension (HT) electricity connections. LT connections are meant for low voltage usage, typically for residential and small commercial consumers, while HT connections cater to high-voltage requirements for industries and large commercial establishments. Consumers can apply for new connections, track their application status, and submit required documents through the portal.
Booking Multipurpose Function Halls in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Telangana
Citizens can book multipurpose function halls in Hyderabad through this online portal, ensuring easy access to venues for various events and gatherings.
Online Water Consumption Billing and Payment Collection System, Puducherry
Pay and manage your water bills online in Puducherry. This system offers multiple payment options, including cash, POS, and internet banking, for hassle-free transactions.
Check Delhi Traffic Notice, Delhi
View and manage pending traffic challans in Delhi. Enter your vehicle number or notice number to check fine details and make online payments conveniently.
Apply for Booking of District Inspection Bunglow, Bihar
Book your stay at the District Inspection Bunglow, a key part of the Samrat Ashoka Convention Kendra in Bihar. This modern facility includes a 5,000-seat convention hall, an 800-seat auditorium, an exhibition space, a food court, and the iconic "Sabhyata Dwar," symbolizing Bihar's rich heritage and progress.
Water Supply by Coimbatore Municipal Corporation, Tamil Nadu
There are two major sources of supply of drinking water to Coimbatore City: Siruvani and Pilloor schemes. The corporation is maintaining the distribution of water supply. The entire supply of water from Siruvani is by nature of gravity whereas pumping is being done in the Pilloor scheme. A separate scheme to augment the Pilloor water supply scheme to the Coimbatore Corporation has been sanctioned under JNNURM and the works are in various stages of progress.
TSREDCO - Large, Medium and Small Scale Energy Consumers - Application, Telangana
This service provides the link to the pro forma to substantiate the achievements in energy conservation by Large / Medium / Small scale Energy Consumers.
Renewable Energy Development Corporation Ltd., (TSREDCO) - Individual Institutions and Organizations - Information, Telangana
This service provides the link to the pro forma to substantiate the achievements in energy conservation by individuals or institutions and organizations.
Heat Wave Portal: Weather Reports, Telangana
This service gives complete information on the prevailing weather conditions in the state. The vision of the Disaster Management Wing is to build a safe and disaster resilient state through a comprehensive, pro-active, sustainable and technology driven strategy that is highly inclusive of all the stakeholders and builds a culture of caution, preparedness, and mitigation.
Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS) - Information
The site gives complete information about Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS). TSDPS' vision is to generate a support system equipped to access, use, analyse, orient and develop action plans to better enable the Planning Department meet Social, Economic, Financial, and Natural Climatic challenges.