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Application for load change/category change of electricity connection in Gujarat
Online portal facilitate the electricity bill payment of GUVNL company to Citizen.
Apply for Electricity Connections in Gujarat
Users can apply online for new electricity connections through regional websites or a single window interface provided by the Gujarat government.
Avail various online services of Tamil Nadu government
Register online to obtain certificates for non-graduates, deserted women, community, nativity etc. in the state of Tamil Nadu. Users can register by selecting a document type like driving licence, PAN card, passport, ration card and providing personal details such as name, father's name, occupation, current and permanent address etc. One can use either a English or Tamil form for online registration.
Check Details of your Electricity Bill in Tamil Nadu
Check details of your electricity bill provided by the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd. Users can find information pertaining to dues, monthly consumption, charge collection etc. The account summary of the consumer can be checked online.
Check details of registered societies in Tamil Nadu
Check details of societies registered with the Registration Department of Tamil Nadu. Users can enter district, zone and society name to get information about the registered societies in the state. Search option by key words for society name is also available.
Check information on registration of society in Tamil Nadu
Check information on registration of a society in the state of Tamil Nadu provided by the Department of Registration. Detailed information on how to register a society, filling up a form, transactions, selecting a name and applying for it etc. is given.
Check details of societies registered in Tamil Nadu
Check details of societies registered in the state of Tamil Nadu. Users can search information by society, name, registration number and selecting the zone and district etc. One can find details such as registration number, year, name and address, type of society etc.
Priceless Saree and Dhoti Distribution Scheme, Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu Government authorized officials may log in to administer the Priceless Saree and Dhoti Distribution Scheme
Obtain copy of documents with Registration Department of Tamil Nadu
Obtain online a copy of any documents with the Registration Department of Tamil Nadu. Users can fill up certain details such as a district, document number, name, claimant address, period, personal information etc. One can select to obtain the document in person or by post.
Apply for certified copies of your documents in Tamil Nadu
Apply online for certified copies of your documents, this facility is provided by the Registration Department of Tamil Nadu. You can search the document that you are looking for and also apply for getting a copy. Users need to provide their name, address, and address of delivery of document etc.