Public Transport and Private Vehicles

78 services

Avail online transport services by Transport Department of Tripura

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Users can avail various online services with the help of Transport Information System of the Transport Department of Tripura. Details of various online citizen services to check licence application status, registration, vehicles population, and motor driving schools etc. are provided. List of pollution test centres is also given. Details of the schedule for fitness test are given. Users can also check traffic signs and warning signs.

Addition of Hypothecation for Vehicle

  • Service Maturity Icon  Partially Online

Applicant may apply for an entry of hire-purchase, lease or hypothecation agreement in the certificate of registration of the motor vehicle which is already registered.

Addition of another class of motor vehicle to the existing driving license in Punjab

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Get information, 1. Application submission of LL for new class of vehicle in existing DL 2. Upload documents 3. Upload photo/sign 4. Pay fees 5. Slot booking 6. Scrutiny / Submission of documents 7.Biometrics 8. Approval 9.Print

Apply for e-Challan of Vehicle, Kerala

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

This service is to apply for e-Challan of Vehicle, Kerala

Apply for Change of Address in the Vehicle Registration Certificate, Kerala

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

This service is to apply for Change of Address in the Vehicle Registration Certificate, Kerala

Apply for Transfer of Vehicle Ownership , Kerala

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

This service is to apply for Transfer of Vehicle Ownership , Kerala

Apply for Transfer of Ownership of Vehicle to Heirs after Death of Registered on Owner, Kerala

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

This service is to apply for Transfer of Ownership of Vehicle to Heirs after death of Registered on owner, Kerala

Apply for Renewal of Vehicle Registration, Kerala

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

This service is to apply for Renewal of Vehicle Registration, Kerala

Apply for Vehicle Duplicate Registration Certificate, Kerala

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

This service is to apply for Vehicle Duplicate Registration Certificate, Kerala

Apply for Cancellation of Vehicle Hypothecation, Kerala

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

This service is to apply for Cancellation of Vehicle Hypothecation, Kerala