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Maharashtra: Certificate of Residence In Hilly Area
Check how to apply for Certificate of Residence In Hilly Area provided by the revenue department,Govt. of Maharashtra.The department will provide service within 7 days.
Applicant may apply online for VF6 ENTRY DETAILS Click on "Apply Online” button for filing the form online or "Download Form" button for filling the form offline.
Maharashtra: Mutation Entry Un-disputed
Check how to apply for Mutation entry un-disputed provided by land record department,Govt. of Maharashtra.The department will provide service within 7 days.
Annual Report under Ministry of Rural Development
Online Management, Monitoring and Accounting System (OMMAS) is intended to serve the requirement of decision-making authorities at various levels, monitors, DPIU's, NRRDA and MoRD. The primary mode of operations for OMMAS is at National, State and District levels. The OMMAS facilitates the operational requirements of planning, scheduling, monitoring, tracking and execution in implementing the PMGSY scheme.
Applicant may apply online to get details of Land record form-7 VF7 SURVEY NO DETAILS. Click on "Apply Online” button for filing the form online or "Download Form" button for filling the form offline.
Check prices and arrivals of agricultural commodities
Check online prices and arrivals of agricultural commodities in different markets. Users can get the commodity wise daily reports, market wise daily reports, daily reports for specific commodity, commodity and market wise daily reports of states etc.
Legal Heirs Certificate
An Application for Issuance of Legal Heirs Certificate,Himachal
Major Schemes for Farmers
Provides major schemes for farmers to boost wellbeing of farmers, rejuvenate soil productivity, and ensure food security and environmental.
Conversion of White Card to Pink Card: Application Form
"This service helps citizens covert their ration cards from White card to Pink card."
Telangana: Application for F- Line petition
This application is used by citizens to request for F-Line, which signifies the actual field boundaries. The Mandal surveyors conduct demarcation after the approval of the Tahsildar concerned.