Ministry of Railways

36 services

Check train time table online of Indian Railways

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Check timings of trains of Indian Railways. User can get the train schedule by filling up at least three characters of the train name or the number of train. Information about train name, train number, source station, days on which train runs, destination, etc. is provided.

Check upgraded passengers list of Indian Railways

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You can check the upgraded passengers list of Indian Railways. The list can be check by providing the train's name or number and chart date. To benefit waitlisted passengers and the railways in terms of filling up vacant accommodation in various trains, the Railways had introduced a scheme, on an experimental basis, to upgrade full fare paying waiting list passengers to the next higher class against the available vacant accommodation.

Check train name, fares and availability of seats between stations

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Check train name, fares and availability of seats between two railway stations. Users have to choose the source and destination station name, travel class, journey date, departure time, arrival time, train type, etc. to get details of the trains. Options are also available to check the train fares, routes, schedule, etc.

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