Gujarat, Collectorate - District Devbhumi Dwarka : Obtaining permission for getting the waste government for registered institution / co-operative society / trust
Check process for getting the government land lying in the registered institution / co-operative society / trust from District Collector/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Apply for Agriculture License Stockist and Retailer, Tamil Nadu
Users can apply various agriculture licences and certificates forms provided by the Agriculture Department of Tamil Nadu. Forms for dealer certificate, renewal of the certificate, registration of insecticides, licence to manufacture insecticides, renewal of certificates to sell insecticides, etc. are available.
Check information on recruiting agents by Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs
Get information on Recruiting Agents (RAs) registered with the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs. Details related to registration of Recruiting Agents (RAs), guidelines for RAs, service charge payable to RAs, renewal registration certificates, changes in registration certificates, etc. are given. Information about active RAs and RAs in watch list is available. Users can also check the status of application for renewal of registration certificate and status of fresh registration.
Registration Department in Kerala
Registration Department is one of the oldest departments in the state and it touches citizens at all levels at some time or other. The main objective of law of registration is to provide a conclusive proof of genuineness of document, afford publicity to transaction, prevent fraud, afford facility for ascertaining whether a property has already been transacted and afford security of title deeds and facility of providing titles in case the original deeds are lost or destroyed. Serviced provided by Registration Department are Application for Re-Issue of Marriage Certificate, Document Registration, Queries - Document View, Queries - View Gahan User Details, Queries – List, Queries – Search, Queries - Stamp Duty Calculator, Queries - Document Writing Fee, Gahan Login, Registration Form, Digitally Signed Encumbrance Certificate etc.
Apply for obtaining consent for establishing factory in Tamil Nadu
Apply online for obtaining consent to establish a factory provided by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board. One needs to fill up an online form with details of application, applicant's name, address, name of the industry, factory address, revenue district of the factory etc.
Application Form for Registration of Hindu Marriage in Tamil Nadu
Find the application form for registration of Hindu marriage under the Tamil Nadu Hindu Marriage (Registration) Rules, 1967 provided by Commercial Taxes and Registration Department of Tamil Nadu. Users can download the form and fill it according to their requirement.
Maharashtra: To issue permission for shooting (Films/Ads/Serials)
Apply for To issue permission for shooting (Films/Ads/Serials) in Maharashtra provided by the Maharashtra Maritime Board Department. Information about guidelines to fill the form is given.The Department will Provide Service Within 15 Days.
Application Form for Marriage Registration in Jamnagar Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Couples in Jamnagar can register their marriages online through the municipal corporation's portal. This service streamlines the registration process, providing a convenient way to obtain official marriage certificates.
Maharashtra: Industrial Water permission
Apply for Industrial Water permission in Maharashtra provided by the Water Resource Department. Information about guidelines to fill the form is given.The Department will Provide Service Within 180 Days.
Register with State Portal of Sikkim to avail online services
Register on the State Portal of Sikkim online. Users need to provide information such as name, address, email id, contact number, residential address, etc. to get themselves registered on the portal. Registered users can avail various state services such as birth certificate, death certificate, income certificate, SC/ST certificate, land/property registration, etc.