Cancel Learners Licence Test Slot Booking in Punjab
Enter application no. and date of birth in order to cancel slot for STALL test.
Haryana: Mock Test for Learner License
Enter applicant name, date of birth and select language in order to take Mock test of LL.
Haryana: Cancel Learners Licence Test Slot booking
Enter application no. and date of birth in order to cancel slot for STALL test.
Haryana: Learners Licence Test Slot Booking
Enter application no. and date of birth in order to book slot for STALL test.
Apply for Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility
Get services for Scrap your vehicle at choice of Registered Scrapper, Payment for the scarp, Certificate of Deposit, Financial benefit against Certificate of Deposit (CD).
Indane - Check Status of earlier Service Request based on Mobile Number or Service Request Number
Indane connection status may be checked online by specifying required details such as reference number and date of birth.
Telangana: Police Department: Issuance of Certificates - Application Form
Using this application form, a citizen can request the police department to issue a few certificates such as Character Certificate, Antecedent Certificate for Job Verification, No Objection Certificates for Transfer of vehicles.
Telangana : Department of Road Transport Authority- Renewal of RC
" This service can be used by the consumers if their vehicle registration expires or is getting expired in a month's time. They have to submit the previous registration certificate details along with the original certificate issued earlier."
Death Registration for Varanasi Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
Residents may submit applications for Birth/Death Certificates through the official website of the Varanasi district in Uttar Pradesh.
Indane - Surrender of LPG Connection
Provides an online mechanism for customers to cancel their connection requests by entering details like reference number and date of birth.