Directorate of Municipal Administration
Get information about the Municipal Administration of Karnataka and its various functions. Detailed information related to ULBs in the state, citizen services, fund release and municipalities corporations etc. is provided. User can download forms related to Birth, Death Still Birth Certificate, Water Supply Connection, UGD Connection, Khata Extract, Building License and Trade License etc.
Apply for Scholarship to Orphans of Killed Militants Scheme, Jammu and Kashmir
Guardians of orphans of killed militants may apply for scholarship by specifying their relationship with child, category of scholarship, particulars of child for whom assistance is sought, details of militancy incident, and uploading documents such as FIR, Deceased Death Certificate, Income certificate, Child photo, Child Date of Birth proof etc
Application for NOC for Government Employment, Jammu and Kashmir
Citizens may apply for NOC for seeking Government Employment in a form which has several fields pre-filled, by uploading the required documents such as Appointment Letter, Affidavit, State Subject, Date of Birth Certificate
Apply online for motor vehicle driving licence in Goa
Apply online for motor vehicle driving licence of Goa. To apply for the licence, you need to fill up this online form with details of the applicant's such as name, address, place of birth, contact number, id proof number, email id etc. The applicant will also have to upload his medical certificate, driving school certificate and learner's licence to proceed with the application submission.
Online Child Registration, Local Self Government Department, Kerala
To officially register the birth of a child, follow the designated procedure, ensuring the legal recognition and documentation of the child's birth through the appropriate authorities.
Information on Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram, Telangana
The site helps citizens in getting information about Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) which is an important initiative aiming at early identification and early intervention for children from birth to 18 years to cover 4 ‘D’s viz. Defects at birth, Deficiencies, Diseases, Development delays including disability.
Meeseva is a one stop Citizen services online portal of Andhra Pradesh, Citizens may register and login to this portal to avail services such as Village Map Copy, Birth and Death Certificate, Bill Payments, Forms and Services from various State Departments etc.
Water and Sewerage Charges for Jamnagar Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Jamnagar Municipal Corporation has taken an initiative to provide citizen services through online forms such as Birth Certification, Death Certificate, Registration of Marriage, Property tax, Profession tax Water and Drainage Connection etc. These forms can be filled and submitted online. Citizens can view the status of their application online.
Property Tax for Jamnagar Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Jamnagar Municipal Corporation has taken an initiative to provide citizen services through online forms such as Birth Certification, Death Certificate, Registration of Marriage, Property tax, Profession tax Water and Drainage Connection etc. These forms can be filled and submitted online. Citizens can view the status of their application online.
Business Licenses for Jamnagar Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Jamnagar Municipal Corporation has taken an initiative to provide citizen services through online forms such as Business Licenses, Birth Certification, Death Certificate, Registration of Marriage, Property tax, Profession tax Water and Drainage Connection etc. These forms can be filled and submitted online. Citizens can view the status of their application online.