Register For NFBS, Jammu and Kashmir
Citizens may apply for National Family Benefit Scheme in a form which has several fields pre-filled, by uploading the required documents such as Deceased Death Certificate, Income certificate, Deceased Age Proof etc
Renewal of Pre-Matric and Post-Matric Scholarship
Students may log in to seek renewal of their scholarships for Academic Year 2019-20 using their application Id and Date of Birth on the National Scholaship Portal (NSP)
Telangana: Certified Copies of Protected Tenant: Application Form
This application form can be used by a citizen who wants to get a Protected Tenant Certificate. The certificate will be given to a person who is in possession not less than 6 years being a period wholly included in the Fasli years 1342 to 1352 (1932 to 1942) (both years inclusive)
Water & Sewerage Charges for Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Amdavad Municipal Corporation provides an online service to the citizens to apply for Birth, Death, & Marriage, Water & Sewerage connections, Hall booking etc.
Hall Booking for Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Amdavad Municipal Corporation provides an online service to the citizens to apply for Birth, Death, & Marriage, Water & Sewerage connections, Hall booking etc.
Apply for Issue of Meat Shop NOC, Sikkim
Meat shop owners in Sikkim can apply online for a No Objection Certificate (NOC) required to operate legally. This certificate is issued by the government to regulate and monitor meat shop operations in the state.
Test Report Verification for Central Power Research Institute (CPRI)
The search enables end users to check whether a particular sample is tested as per the Standard and whether a test report / test certificate was issued by CPRI to the manufacturer. However, absence from the list does not imply that a certificate is not issued/false
Know your License Details, Meghalaya
Get service for Parivahan Sewa from Ministry of Road Transport and Highways enables online checking of Driving License (DL) details by specifying the DL number and date of birth
Application Status licences in Punjab
Enter application no. and date of birth in order to see the present status of the application.
Verify Pay Status [Driving License related Services]
Enter application no. and date of birth in order to see the status of the paid fee for the application.