CM Window – Public Grievances Redressal and Monitoring System, Haryana
CM Window is a grievances redressal and monitoring system in Haryana implemented since 25 December 2014 in all districts and all departments of Haryana as Flagship programme of Haryana. These grievances are registered at the CM Window counters online and the citizens get the SMS on his/her mobile phone with the grievance registration number.
E-tenders system for various departments of Municipal Corporation of Delhi
Check tenders of various departments of Municipal Corporation of Delhi. Registration is mandatory to file the tenders online. Users can check details of tender documents, contractors information, etc. Guidelines for contractors are also available. Department-wise tender list is also available.
New Lift Owner's License, West Bengal
New Lift owner's License is the service provided to the citizen by the government for availing the license to become a lift owner. User registration is required for accessing the service.
Maharashtra: Flat / Shop Transfer
Apply for Flat Or Shop Transfer Certificate in Maharashtra provided by the Slum Rehabilitation Authority Department. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.The Department will Provide Service Within 30 Days.
Check Status/Incomplete Forms (for Non-Departmental Examinations Only), Manipur
e Manipur Public Service Commission website enables users to apply for posts through MPSC. To apply for any post in this eMPSConline website, intending candidates need to undergo a one time registration. After this they can update their profile with details like educational qualification, pesonal info etc. Links for recruitment, examination, application forms are present along with FAQ
Online Dealer Profile under VAT (Taxation)
e-Dealer Profile is designed to enable the dealers to view their own profiles and history of transactions related to VAT and CST like Registration data, Taxes paid by him,C-Forms issued, Return statement etc. A corresponding module has also been bult for Officials of the Taxation Department can also view and scrutinized the profile of any dealer who is registered in their respective circles.
Telangana : Extract Of NOC Under Petroleum Act Application Form
Using this application form, the citizen can get a copy of NOC under Petroleum Act. By having the NOC Certificate the Citizen can store Petroleum Products.
Check Details of Stolen Vehicles in Delhi
Check status of stolen vehicles in Delhi. This service is provided by the Delhi Police. Users can enter details of the stolen vehicle like the registration number, engine number and chasis number to check the updates.
Application Form-8 Appropriate Authority For Cadaver Transplantation (AACT), Telangana
Isdead on account of permanent and irreversible cessation of all functions of the brain-stem. The tests carried out by us and the findings therein are recorded in the brain-stem death Certificate annexed hereto.
Beneficiary identification, House sanction and Fund transfer under Rural Housing (IAY)
Registration of BPL houseless people to whom Gram Sabha has nominated from GP/Block level logins, e-sanction of houses by district authority, it is an administrative sanction from District/DRDA/ZP level logins, e-payment of financial assistance provided in installments by 1st and 2nd signatories by their individual logins.