Check status of your investment application for Rajasthan
Check status online of your investment application submitted through the Rajasthan Single Window Clearance System. Registered entrepreneur can check the status of the investment application. You can also use a link for fresh registration in case you are not a registered entrepreneur.
Clarification or reminder about complaints lodged on Portal for Public Grievances
File a clarification or reminder for registered complaints on Portal for Public Grievances (PG Portal) under Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG). Users have to fill the registration number and password to file the clarification or reminder.
This service is used to get the Agriculture Land Value certificate which will be useful to get the loan against the agriculture land.
Avail new water and sewer connections in Chennai
Get information on how to avail new sewer and water connections provided by the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, an organisation under the Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department of Tamil Nadu government. Details regarding downloading application form, list of enclosures, cost of form, submission, scrutiny, registration, acknowledgement, sanctioning and effecting connections are available.
Building and other Construction Workers’ Subscription collection, West Bengal
The objective of this service is to collect subscription amount from Building and Construction Workers and deposit the amount into Building and Construction Workers’ Welfare Fund from which the benefit can be disbursed for Construction Workers. User registration is required for accessing the service.
EODB Dashboard, Fire & Emergency Services, West Bengal
e-District is a Mission Mode Project with the objective of making the State's services available to the citizens through a computerized system. The services may be availed of through Internet or by visiting any CSC-s (Common Service Center) or a Kiosk. It may not be necessary to visit the Government Offices for submitting the application, knowing the status or receiving certificate / license etc.
Third Party Verification Report, West Bengal
e-District is a Mission Mode Project with the objective of making the State's services available to the citizens through a computerized system. The services may be availed of through Internet or by visiting any CSC-s (Common Service Center) or a Kiosk. It may not be necessary to visit the Government Offices for submitting the application, knowing the status or receiving certificate / license etc.
Application for Renewal of Grant of Fire Crackers Selling License, West Bengal
e-District is a Mission Mode Project with the objective of making the State's services available to the citizens through a computerized system. The services may be availed of through Internet or by visiting any CSC-s (Common Service Center) or a Kiosk. It may not be necessary to visit the Government Offices for submitting the application, knowing the status or receiving certificate / license etc.
Application for Grant of Fire Crackers Selling License, West Bengal
e-District is a Mission Mode Project with the objective of making the State's services available to the citizens through a computerized system. The services may be availed of through Internet or by visiting any CSC-s (Common Service Center) or a Kiosk. It may not be necessary to visit the Government Offices for submitting the application, knowing the status or receiving certificate / license etc.
Application for Renewal of Grant of Fire License, West Bengal
e-District is a Mission Mode Project with the objective of making the State's services available to the citizens through a computerized system. The services may be availed of through Internet or by visiting any CSC-s (Common Service Center) or a Kiosk. It may not be necessary to visit the Government Offices for submitting the application, knowing the status or receiving certificate / license etc.