Search online Fair Price Shops in Himachal Pradesh
Search online Fair Price Shops in Himachal Pradesh. Users can search for fair price shops by selecting district name and block name. Users can find detailed information related to the fair price shops, their address, registration number, etc.
National Pension System - eNPS Services
The eNPS (National Pension System) is an online platform that facilitates easy registration and management of pension accounts for Indian citizens. It allows individuals to open a Pension Account, make contributions, and manage their investments online. The system aims to provide a sustainable solution for retirement planning by offering a flexible and transparent pension scheme regulated by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA).
Apply for Aasra Scheme, Jammu and Kashmir
Citizens may apply for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana or Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana by specifying their Bank details, and uploading documents such as Income certificate etc
Apply online old /new PUCC in Punjab
Apply online old /new PUCC in Punjab. The application captures smoke parameter through API provided by the manufacturer, vehicle number plate through webcam, and sends OTP to vehicle owner. Subsequently, PUC certificate is issued to the vehicle owner if the pollution emitted by the vehicle (Petrol, Diesel, four/two wheeler, trans./non-transport, etc.) is as per norms.
Filling and tracking of Online mutation cases - E-Mutation, Jharkhand
Get service for Online Mutation is a citizen centric service under DILRMP-Jharkhand for filling and tracking of Online mutation cases.Citizens can apply online for mutation and can track their mutation cases through the portal.This System provides SMS alerts to the users at different stages like approval/rejection of mutation cases. This service encompasses the entire mutation work flow and is also integrated with Property registration office.
E-Tender for Varanasi Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
The eTendering System of the Uttar Pradesh Government offers tender-related information and enables users to submit bids online. Registration is required to access the services, which include downloading tender information, searching for tenders using various criteria, checking tender status, and more. The system also provides updates on the latest tenders, corrigendum, cancelled tenders, bidders' manual kit, tender results, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
E-Tender for Saharanpur Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
The eTendering System of the Uttar Pradesh Government offers tender-related information and enables users to submit bids online. Registration is required to access the services, which include downloading tender information, searching for tenders using various criteria, checking tender status, and more. The system also provides updates on the latest tenders, corrigendum, cancelled tenders, bidders' manual kit, tender results, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
E-Tender for Prayagraj Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
The eTendering System of the Uttar Pradesh Government offers tender-related information and enables users to submit bids online. Registration is required to access the services, which include downloading tender information, searching for tenders using various criteria, checking tender status, and more. The system also provides updates on the latest tenders, corrigendum, cancelled tenders, bidders' manual kit, tender results, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
E-Tender for Moradabad Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
The eTendering System of the Uttar Pradesh Government offers tender-related information and enables users to submit bids online. Registration is required to access the services, which include downloading tender information, searching for tenders using various criteria, checking tender status, and more. The system also provides updates on the latest tenders, corrigendum, cancelled tenders, bidders' manual kit, tender results, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
E-Tender for Meerut Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
The eTendering System of the Uttar Pradesh Government offers tender-related information and enables users to submit bids online. Registration is required to access the services, which include downloading tender information, searching for tenders using various criteria, checking tender status, and more. The system also provides updates on the latest tenders, corrigendum, cancelled tenders, bidders' manual kit, tender results, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).