Search details of dealers paying commercial tax in Uttar Pradesh
Search details of dealers paying commercial tax to Department of Commercial Tax of Uttar Pradesh. Users can search for information about dealer's by dealers' name, Tax Identification Number (TIN), firms' name, dealer's address, etc. Information dealer name, firm name, dealer address, TIN, office name, status of dealer registration and whether dealers are paying Central Sales Tax (CST) or not is provided.
Apply Online for Tribal Pass
Applicant want to visit in the reserved area to meet relatives staying in reserved area, government and private related works. To visit reserved area Andaman & Nicobar Administration (South Andaman) District Headquarters will issue the New Tribal pass certificate.
Online services related to Agricultural Marketing in Karnataka
Avail online services related to agricultural marketing offered by Karnataka’s Agricultural Marketing Department and Karnataka State Agricultural Marketing Board (KSAMB). Users can check details about market profiles, warehouses, infrastructure, committees etc. List of sellers, buyers and registration facility for probable buyers is provided. Price reports for agricultural commodities can be accessed. Forms and procedures can also be downloaded. Information on agriculture acts, schemes, department profile, etc. is available.
Format of Income Tax Form Number 16
Get format of income tax form number 16 by Department of Income Tax, Department of Revenue. Users can download format of form number 16 to receive certificate for tax deducted at source from income chargeable under head of salaries.
Property Tax for Sonipat Municipal Corporation, Haryana
Avail Property Tax Services for Sonipat Municipal Corporation, Haryana. The Directorate of Urban Local Bodies Property Tax Dues Payment & No Dues Certificate Management System facilitates multiple urban local bodies related citizen services online.
Avail Subsidy on Solar Water Heating System in Chandigarh
Details related to procedure to avail subsidy on solar water heating system in Chandigarh are given. Users can get information about subsidy, documents required for subsidy, eligibility, etc. Access to application for the installation of solar water heating system under the subsidy scheme and certificate from the authorized proprietor or manufacturer or beneficiary is also available.
Directorate of Municipal Administration
Get information about the Municipal Administration of Karnataka and its various functions. Detailed information related to ULBs in the state, citizen services, fund release and municipalities corporations etc. is provided. User can download forms related to Birth, Death Still Birth Certificate, Water Supply Connection, UGD Connection, Khata Extract, Building License and Trade License etc.
Apply for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme (OBC/PCP/SC/DNT/EBC), Jammu and Kashmir
Post Matric Students may apply for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme in a form which has several fields pre-filled, by specifying the required details such as Income category, parent's background, details of course, academic details, course & fees details, previous course performance details and uploading the required documents such as Income certificate, Age Proof, Bank Details etc
Check Details of Unclaimed or Seized Vehicles by Zonal Integrated Police Network
Check details of unclaimed or seized vehicles provided through the Zonal Integrated Police Network (ZIPNET) of Delhi Police. Other police department in the network include: Gurgaon Police, Rajasthan Police, Noida Police, Uttar Pradesh Police, Uttarakhand Police, Punjab Police, Haryana Police, Himachal Pradesh Police and Chandigarh Police. Users can enter vehicle registration number, chassis number, engine number to search details of unclaimed or seized vehicles.
Madhya Pradesh Medical Council
It is the facility given to the appliants to apply for Foreign Permanent Registration,This service under Government of MP can be avail through MPOnline portal and MPOnline kiosks as well. To avail this service please visit your nearest MPOnline kiosk or MPOnline portal. To trace out your nearest kiosk please visit You can also call MPOnline customer care number for any enquiry related to service. Customer Care (8:30 AM - 10:00 PM ) : 0755-4019400