Apply online for issuance of Solvency Certificate, Puducherry
Solvency Certificate is issued to solvant property owners, on production of original document, property tax receipt, chitta/adangal copy, and encumbrance certificate for more than 13 years.
Apply for admission into Govt. Boys’/Girls’ Hostel, Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, Puducherry
Providing boarding and lodging facilities to the SC students in pursuance of their education and to dissuade dropping of education at school and college level hostels facilities are provided. a) Free lodging, b) Free boarding, c) Cash payment in lieu of 2 pairs of clothing, d) Conveyance charges for 6 times (3 down and 3 up) in a year
Sponsoring of job-seekers for Job Vacancies, Puducherry
Details of Job Vacancies notified to Employment Exchange by the employers, number of candidates sponsored and seniority date for each vacancy can be viewed / downloaded.
Factory Information and Returns Management System - Factory Online Registration, Puducherry
Registration of Factory Licence as well as submisison of periodical returns by the Occupier of the Factory.
Information about Labour Department, Puducherry
Information about Labour Department, Labour Laws, Industrial Training Institutes, Factories, Employment Exchange, Labour Welfare Schemes are available.
Online application for Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme, Puducherry
Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme for Poor Families-2012 provides financial assistance to all the below poverty line family members in the Union territory of Puducherry in the age group of 18-60 years, in the event of natural and unnatural death, partial total disability and permanent total disability, due to accidents.
Intimation of change of address to be recorded in the Certificate of Registration, Puducherry
Users can apply online for Change of Address in Driving Licence. Guidelines and information about documents to be attached are given.
Online Application for Issue of Motorized Tricycle to Ortho Handicapped persons, Puducherry
Invalid Carriages (Motorized Tri-Cycles) to severely ortho Differently Abled Persons are provided so that they can be mobile. Applicant should have an ortho disability of more than 65% and annual income not exceeding ₹75,000/-.
Application for Notice for Alternations in Motor Vehicles (FORM-NAMV), Puducherry
Users can download application for Notice for Alternations in Motor Vehicles (FORM-NAMV)
Career Counselling and Placement Cell, Puducherry
Student Career Guide provide guidance to student community on various career choices, educational opportunities available in the Union Territory of Puducherry.