Application for transfer of ownership in case of a motor vehicle purchased or acquired in Public Auction (FORM-32), Puducherry
Users can download the application for transfer of ownership in case of a motor vehicle purchased or acquired in Public Auction (FORM-32).
Online application for Old Age Pension for Fishermen, Puducherry
Users can apply online for Old Age Pension.
Apply online for Training Program for Development of Silk Industries, Puducherry
Training program for Development of Silk Industries is provided, for a period of one year, for the age group 18-35 years, along with monthly stipend, with an objective to revamp the silk weaving industry and to generate employment.
Application and grant of No-Objection Certificate (FORM-28), Puducherry
Users can download application and grant of No-Objection Certificate (FORM-28).
Financial Assistance for Pregnant and Lactating Women (Kulavilakku-Aravanaippu), Puducherry
Under Kulavilakku, Financial Assistance of ₹500/- will be provided to pregnant women to their improve nutritional status. Annual income should not exceed ₹24,000/- and the benefit will be provided for two pregnancy only. The applicant will be considered only when she crosses seven months pregnancy. Under Aravanaippu, to improve the status of the girl child and to provide nutritious food to the girl child; financial assistance of ₹1,200/- will be provided to the Lactating mother. Annual income should not exceed ₹24,000/- and the assistance will be provided only to two girl children in a household.
Information Technology Policy, Puducherry
Download the Information Technology Policy of Puducherry from the official website, gaining insights into the region's strategies and initiatives for fostering IT development and innovation.
Apply for grant of Financial Assistance to the patients suffering from prolonged illness, Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, Puducherry
To provide financial assistance to poor scheduled caste members who are unable to work for earning their livelihood due to prolonged disease such as cancer, heart disease and asthma at the rate of Rs.500/- per month..
Online Application for Financial Assistance to Differently Abled Persons, Puducherry
Financial assistance to the differntially abled persons, whose annual income does not exceed Rs.75,000/-, are provided, monthly, in three ranges, according to the “percentage (degree) of disability”, viz., (i) 40-65% (₹1,500/- p.m.); (ii) 66-85%- (₹2,000/- p.m.); and (iii) 86-100% (₹3,000/- p.m.), through their respective Anganvadis.
Application for a permit in respect of a Contract Carriage to be regularly used, Puducherry
Users can download application for a permit in respect of a Contract Carriage to be regularly used (FORM P.Co.C.A.)
Apply for Financial Assistance for poor pregnant and lactating women, Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, Puducherry
Financial assistance to poor scheduled castes pregnant and lactating women is granted for pre / post-natal care treatment at the rate of Rs.1,000/- for 6 months.