
17 services

Check train time table online of Indian Railways

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Check timings of trains of Indian Railways. User can get the train schedule by filling up at least three characters of the train name or the number of train. Information about train name, train number, source station, days on which train runs, destination, etc. is provided.

Check your train ticket booking status

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Check the status of train ticket booking online provided by the Indian Railways. You need to provide the PNR number to get the current status of the booked train ticket.

Register complaints and give suggestions to Indian Railways

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Register complaints and suggestion for services offered by Indian Railways. Users can register complaints through online registration form. Facility to track status of complaints and suggestions through reference number, name of complainant, date of incident, contact number and e-mail is also available.

File complaints or send suggestions to Ministry of Railways

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File an online complaint or send a suggestion to the Ministry of Railways. Users have to fill an online form to complete the process. Information such as complaint details, incident date, name of the staff, place of occurrence, etc. is requires. Personal details like name, contact number, email id, address, etc. must be provide in the form. Users can describe the complaint along with supported documents.

Check details of Special Trains by Ministry of Railways

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Get detailed information about special trains by Ministry of Railways. Users can get details related to name of the train, train number, train source station, train destination station, etc. Access to schedule of special trains is also available.

Check status of fog affected trains

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Check online status of trains affected due to fog. This service is provided by the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited (IRCTC). You can view train's name, status, expected arrival time, destination, etc.

Find Seat Availability position for reservation in Railways

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Find Seat Availability position for reservation